Week 53 - Revelation 15-22
"One thousand years he will be bound. Unable to temp or harm us. But then…then, after a thousand years satan will be loosed for a little season. Why???"
Week 52 - Christmas Message "Since the beginning of time it has always been about and will always be about Jesus Christ the Son of God, creator of this universe!"
Week 51 - Revelation 6-14" I love the reality of this and also the parallel we see in our own lives. We may feel like we are totally and completely alone. In the bottom of the lowest pit in the universe, with no hope for relief, with no light. Then, if we choose we can be snatched from that darkness, if we look we will be able to see the Lamb, the hope and only way out of the force which held us bound."
Week 50 - Revelation 1-5"How beautiful is that? I am mesmerized by the image of heaven, and how wonderful it sounds. Blessed are those that read this book and abide by its words for they shall see this place and experience the wonder it will provide."
Week 49 - 1-3 John“why don't you say more to these people, who have come to hear your great testimony of the Lord?” To which John would rely, “If that is all they do, that is enough”
Week 48 - 1 & 2 Peter"Please notice the specific way in which this is written. It was deliberately put in a format to reject the idea that we can pick and choose the items we want to apply, and those we wish to ignore."
Week 47 - James"The works that we do are evidence of our inward faith and commitment to Christ. If we were to say that we are Christian and not do anything that a Christian would do, would anyone believe that we were what we say we were?"
Week 46 - Hebrews 7-13" I would like to attempt and do the impossible: I am going to try and define clearly the definition of faith and show how we can be more faith-filled in our daily lives."
Week 45 - Hebrews 1-6“Come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.“
Week 44 - 1 & 2 Timothy"stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can I get out of that circle? No, never! I’d die first!"
Week 43 - Thessalonians“Satan has convinced many in the world that there is no God, he has convinced others that there is no truth. But, even believers are not any better off if we allow him to convince us that there is no hurry. We need to feel the urgency to draw closer to God and to live in accordance with His truth”
Week 42: Philippians and Colossians"That's all the world has to offer: medication and the solution is just to manage it. Well, God can do better than that. In fact, in these very verses we looked at, we find the solution. A solution not just to manage it but to completely eliminate it from our lives."
Week 41: Ephesians"God’s word is enough, it is sufficient. We do not need to add anything to it. Because when we do we expose a weakness and the adversary will attack."
Week 40: Galatians"Now, that takes it to a whole other level. That is so much more than the love of others as ourselves. This is multiplying what was already very hard to begin with law, to a level most can not even comprehend. What does this even look like?"
Week 39: 2 Corinthians 8-13"Remember that when we wear the mask that so many of us put on, God can not bless us for who we are pretending to be but only who we actually are. Our authentic, vulnerable, humbles selves."
Week 38: 2 Corinthians 1-7"That seems to be the exact opposite of what the world teaches. Yet, therein lies the key of usefulness to God. “When I am weak, then I am strong.” With this principle etched in our hearts we can then be useful to God in His service."
Week 37: 1 Corinthians 14-16"I'm sure you are all aware that I love it when we get to talk about Adam and Eve. We learn so much from them. There is a reason that temple ceremonies use them as an illustration as we make those sacred covenants...Where do we start? These verses are loaded!"
Week 36: 1 Corinthians 8-13“Nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do”
Week 35: 1 Corinthians 1-7”The moment you have a self there is the temptation to put it forward, to put it first and at the center of things. And the more we are—socially or intellectually or politically or economically—the greater the risk of increasing self-worship.”
Weeks 34: Romans 7-16"God has a plan and a purpose for your life and if you will let Him, He will make you into what He created you to be; a glorious, happy, beautiful, successful son or daughter of God."
Week 33: Romans 1-6 "This proves that the glory of God, the goodness of God that we receive has less to do with what we do and more to do with who we are. And who we are will then dictate how we act."
Week 32: Acts 22-28"Notice that Jesus didn't say, “Just listen, and you'll know because you'll have a feeling that what I say is true,” No, Jesus taught that we must do in order to know. That is a testimony not of feelings but of experience."
Week 31: Acts 16-21"The praying I get. I have done the same thing in times of distress and pain. But to sing? And not just singing. They sang songs of praise unto God. In the pitch black of the night, cold, naked, and beaten… they sang."
Week 30: Acts 10-15"Why is God telling him to go get Peter. The Angel of the Lord is standing right there, why didn't He just tell him what he must do? Wouldn't that have been a whole lot easier? "
Week 29: Acts 6-9"I hear people say all the time: Why doesn't stuff like that happen today? Why don't we see more miracles, signs and wonders like they did back then? I think that is an important question to address."
Week 28: Acts 1-5 "Have you asked God? If you want to know something all you have to do is ask in faith. It seemed so easy for him. Maybe it was. And maybe it can be for you as well."
Week 27: Matt 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20-21"We use the word “saw” for all three but the Greek tells us a much deeper story of the events. How they experienced different things as they understood what was before them."
Week 26: Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, John 19“Nay; but I will surely buy it of thee at a price: … [for I] will [not] offer … unto the Lord my God … that which doth cost me nothing.”
Week 25: Luke 22, John 18"Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows. He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised [literally crushed] for our iniquities. And with his stripes we are healed."
Week 24: John 14-17"If one man lives it, he has peace within himself. If two men live it, they each have peace within themselves and with each other. If the citizens live it, the nation has domestic peace."
Week 23: Matthew 26, Mark 14, John 13"Reverently, but audible enough for those nearby to hear, John uttered the admiration that still moves us two millennia later: “Behold the Lamb of God."
Week 22: Matt 24-25, Mark 12-13, Luke 21"What is the most precious gift that God has given us that He wants us to go out and multiply. What is the number one most important thing that we have that we should never bury or hide? What is it, that God will want a reckoning for as you stand before His judgment seat at the last days?"
Week 21: Matt 21-23, Mark 11, Luke 19-20, John 12 "If we are not careful we can fall into the same trap of watering down the power of faith."
Week 20: Matthew 19-20, Mark 10, Luke 18"I would have done that differently… AND THAT IS THE POINT!! God wants you to know that; HE IS DIFFERENT. And that He wants you to be more like Him."
Week 19 - Luke 12-17, John 11"There is an eternal truth that; the further you remove yourself from the father the more you will be confused about your true identity."
Week 18 - John 7-10"Jesus’s response is perfect. It shows us His perfect balance of Justice and mercy. His infinite goodness and perfect judgment."
Week 17 - Matthew 18, Luke 10"Humility is something we should ask God for everyday in prayer, but never thank Him that we have obtained it."
Week 16 - Matthew 15-17, Mark 7-9"hold fast to what you already know and stand strong until additional knowledge comes."
Week 15- Easter"I know of no private document or personal response in the life of Joseph Smith—or anyone else, for that matter—which so powerfully demonstrates the magnificence of his soul. There is a lesson here for every one of us who claims to be a disciple of Christ."
Week 14- Matthew 14, Mark 6, John 5-6"That seems like a hard thing to do when the storms of life threaten us. How do we find the courage and faith to be of good cheer when so many hard things beat upon us everyday?"
Week 13 -Matthew 13, Luke 8,13"if we look carefully this man is just like you and me. He is not so different from those things that we struggle with every day."
Week 12 - Matthew 12-12, Luke 11 "Don't worship your worship. Don't let how we worship get in the way of who we worship."
Week 11- Matthew 9-10, Mark 5, Luke 9"And there is the key to true conversion; a personal, spiritual, eternal connection with the Heavens, with your creator, the source of all truth. When God tells you who Jesus is you can be sure He is telling the truth."
Week 10- Matthew 8, Mark 2-4, Luke 7"I believe for most of us we see ourselves somewhere in the middle. We aren't the Woman at His feet. We have not sinned that much, we are not that bad. But we are also not like Simon the Pharisee. We are not that self righteous, we are not that bad!"
Week 9: Matthew 6-7"The Heavens are not a high security compound where you need a special ops team to get you inside (though it may feel like that sometimes). It's a simple 3 tumbler lock. Three
things is all you need to open the gates of Heaven and to receive an answer." ![]()
Week 8: Matthew 5, Luke 6“If a testimony is what you know to be true by the witness of the spirit. Then conversion is constantly being true to what you know.”
Week 7: John 2-4"A casual prayer or an occasional thought wont do in the scope of our eternal salvation."
Week 6: Matthew 4, Luke 4-5"sometimes bad things just happen, but sometimes God allows things to happen in order to get our attention. But what if He didn't have to?"
Week 5: Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3"The point to all of this is that we are not just a covenant making people, we are more importantly a covenant keeping people!"
Week 4: John 1“It seems clear that the essence of our duty and the fundamental requirement of our mortal life is captured in these brief phrases from any number of scenes in the Savior’s mortal ministry."
Week 3: Matthew 2 & Luke 2"Each one not only was a symbol of what He was to do but also they were a symbol of what He had to go through."
Week 2- Matthew 1, Luke 1"Yet with all that proof it doesn't mean a thing to us if we don't have a personal relationship with Him who came to save."
Week 1 - We Are Responsible
"we have access to a source that is never wrong, a source
that has all the answers you could ever want." ![]()